
DSC 4130

Nine years after its introduction in 2010, e-AWB became the default contract of carriage for all air cargo shipments on enabled trade lanes on 1 January 2019.

The electronic Air Waybill (e-AWB) is the electronic contract of carriage between the 'forwarder' and the 'carrier'.

What is Single Process

For some routes, e-AWBs cannot be used and paper AWBs must be issued due to regulatory, operational, or other reasons. This was found to be one of the challenges for e-AWB adoption by freight forwarders as they need to determine whether a paper AWB must be generated or not.

To release freight forwarders from this complexity, Cargolux offers a Single Process to its forwarders.

With the Single Process the freight forwarder always sends an e-AWB to the airline and the cargo is accepted without paper AWB, regardless of the trade lane. If required, the paper AWB is printed by the airline or the ground handler.

Check out the efreight stations

e-Freight Benefits

Operational efficiency
e-Freight brings operational efficiency through the reduction of the end-to-end processing time (up to 24h).
Cost effectiveness
e-Freight brings cost effectiveness through the reduction of document processing an archiving costs.
Data quality

e-Freight improves data quality and accuracy (e.g. auto-checks, mandatory fields, …)


Standardization and digitization are key enablers for the development of new innovative services and solutions, thus increasing the value of the air freight to shippers (e.g. real time status update).

e-Freight will eliminate more than 7,800 tons of paper documents annually, the equivalent of 80 Boeing 747 freighter filled with paper.
Regulatory compliance

e-Freight implementation facilitates compliance to international and local regulations [e.g. facilitate Advance Electronic Information (AEI) requirements for security purpose].