Cargolux is a partner of the Transport Resilience Against cyber and Non-Cyber Events to prevent Network Disruption (TRANSCEND) a European project coordinated by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). The aim of this initiative is to create a platform centralizing information, guidelines, and best practices from industry experts to share knowledge with the aim of streamlining processes across the logistics sector.

A brief background

As focal points of exchanges, logistics actors have aways been subjected to security and safety concerns. With the ongoing digital transformation, new types of threats have emerged, highlighting once again the requirement for comprehensive safeguarding. Nowadays, supply chains have become increasingly globalized and multi-modal, requiring growing levels of vigilance to ensure seamless global transport can be upheld.

Dynamic instances of geopolitical instability, the COVID-crisis, and the subsequent Suez canal blockage, demonstrate how interconnected global supply chains are and how disruption to individual components can have worldwide and prolonged consequences. It is therefore crucial that each player in the industry recognizes it responsibility and plays its part to uphold security and minimize risks in its area.

Project summary

The transport sector has been identified as a Critical Infrastructure for the Single Market and as such, is subjected to the EU’s Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities. As part of the response to this directive, the TRANSCEND project aims to involve actors from across the logistics field as contributors to develop a comprehensive solution.

Each entity is subjected to different natures of threats and can offer specialized knowledge on how to identify and mitigate them. Collating intelligence from these diverse sources would allow to gain insight into the overarching threats and how they could be tackled based on first-hand experience. Contributions from across supply chains will be gathered in a single source digital Control Tower embedded with business intelligence giving stakeholders a transparent overview.

Cargolux’s commitment

As a central component in the supply chain, Cargolux is committed to playing a leading role in logistics resilience. With partners up- and downstream across a global network, airlines are exposed to malicious intent. Cargolux has implemented stringent safety and security procedures and is pleased to share these best practices with others in the supply chain. This project is a great opportunity to leverage expertise and build resilience through shared goals. It also showcases the importance of our industry and its capacity to create value create for global communities.